Group Conscience to vote on two new steering committee members, Monday October 19th
Suggestion form to help improve our Zoom meeting and attendance, **Click here**
Greetings to All the Chapter 12 Men’s Meeting members receiving this. Thank you to Daniel and Rob for making this cleaned up mailing list happen.
We wanted to inform all of you that on October 19th we will hold an election group conscious to elect 2 new members to the 5 member chapter 12 steering committee. Matt and Daryl have stepped aside and will need to be replaced by you through an election.
As most of you know the primary function of the steering committee is to preserve the legacy of the meeting and to on a yearly basis select the 2 new incoming secretaries as well as to liaison with the church on our meeting hall.
The steering committee members need to have attended the meeting for at least 5 years and will serve a 5 year term rotating out at intervals to ensure a continuity of a shared institutional memory. The top two vote getters will be the next committee members. We will vote by a show of hands voting function provided on the Zoom platform.
During the period of the last 7 months many of you have not been attending the meeting on a regular basis, no doubt for a variety of reasons. Recently, we reinstated various elements of the old physical meeting were inadvertently omitted from the format when we went to ZOOM.
Our commitments, announcements for the phone list and literature were reinstated, along with ways to get both utilizing the CHAPTER 12.ORG website which in itself is a new element facilitated by Rob G and John F.
We created a new post of Sponsorship coordinator to help new people looking for sponsors to be connected to our meetings members who are willing to sponsor. Dougal is serving in this new capacity.
We have also been reaching out to recovery programs alerting them of the meeting and its historical embrace of new comers. And thanks to the efforts of Rob G we have made an institutionally acceptable method to have court cards signed electronically and will be offering this service as we go forward.
Lastly, we have revived the incredible acapella rendition of Happy Birthday, albeit only once, the sound of which on Zoom is truly memorably inspiring.
The Chapter 12 Men’s Stag has a long history spanning years and has always been a go to mainstay meeting men’s stag meeting for Monday nights in the San Fernando Valley. In the Zoom world we realize that the Monday evening choices are now world- wide, and although many of you who have moved away are now currently participating, many of you who are still in town are not. Therefore, we are interested in knowing why. If you are willing to share your reasons with us.
When all of the current troubles are behind us and life slowly gets back to normal and meetings are no longer virtual, we can return to the great tradition of the meeting before the meeting, the meeting, and the meeting after the meeting. So, we want to make sure that the 7:30 Chapter 12 Monday Men’s Stag Meeting at Noble Street is still alive and thriving and is still your primary Monday night meeting destination!
Let us know what you think and please join us on Monday October 19th to participate in the Group Conscience to elect the two new members of the steering committee who will help to carry forward the wishes of the Body over the next 5 years.